Phpactor 14

Last modified 2024/12/07 11:48

TL;DR: See what’s new.

It’s time to make a new release! Which generally involves lots of waiting for composer. So a good time to make a blog post.

It’s been well over a year since I last blogged about 3 years of Phpactor.

So what’s new since then? What happened in 2019?

In January 2019 I really wanted to finish the Language Server implementation, and I spent lots of time working on a generic language server implementation, then the language server extension and quite a few other packages which added distinct capabilities to the server and finally it was working with completion, reference finding and hover.

However, after running this through CoC or LanguageClientNeovim it seemed to me that the native Phpactor VIM plugin worked better and … I lost interest.

2019 also saw the first release of Phpactor which had all-tagged dependencies, and when I realised … there were too many packages.

Too Many Packages

Phpactor has been a place where I have experimented. I have attempted to apply some patterns from DDD and I tried to apply some of the package principles (i.e. SOLID for packages).

In hindsight I think I believed that being technically correct was more important than the time spent. But this was wrong:

  • The overhead of managing these packages has prevented work being done on Phpactor (especially in low-internet situations, like when I’m on a ferry).
  • Making releases and dealing with ~40-50 packages is not fun.
  • I found out that stable packages can fly alone, but unstable ones should group together when they depend on each other.

With the current design, a new feature might require several packages, lets pretend we’re implementing completion:

  • phpactor/completion: The policy class - just interfaces and models.
  • phpactor/worse-completion: An implementation of the policy using worse reflection
  • phpactor/completion-extension: Extension point for Completion in Phpactor
  • phpactor/completion-worse-extension: Plumbing to integrate the “worse” implementation to the extension point.
  • phpactor/completion-rpc-extension: Handlers to connect the completion classes to the RPC (communicate with the native VIM client)
  • phpactor/completion-language-server-extension: Handlers to connect the completion to the language server

That’s a whole lot of packages and it’s just one feature!

In retrospect I think it would have been better to have a “macro” package containing all of the above, and as needed extract things from that if needed (e.g. the policy classes).

Much of Phpactor was designed to be super reusable, but in truth most of the packages are far from being stable and are not reused - exceptions are the container, console extension, logging extension and some others which I often use as a micro-framework for console apps.

Trying to solve this issue

Before I started thinking about macro packages I thought about a project to manage micro packages: Maestro.

With a single configuration file:

  • Report on the version status of each package
  • Generate/update meta files in the repos (e.g. .travis.yml, composer.json, Phpstan/CS config, etc).
  • Run all the tests etc.
  • Enable package-level semantic versioning.

It was a fun project, and it worked - kinda and indeed I just helped me to release Phpactor 14. But ultimately it was a failure - it was too complicated

  • but I learnt many things (notably about Async PHP).

After failing to make the project work, I decided to try and make Phpactor a monorepo. Making a monorepo with split-repositories and horizontal versioning (à la Symfony) was easy, but I wanted to keep individual versions for each package - and after debating for some time I realised that Maestro could help! And so I wasted yet more time on that project before giving up again.

So this was how I spent most of 2019 - doing unproductive things - and Phpactor is no more easy to maintain than it was.

Going forward I am still considering the monorepo and possibly pushing things to be “Macro” rather than “Micro” packages - so with the completion example, have a single phpactor/completion package which has all the necessary extensions in it.

Phpactor 14 - The Bad Which Didn’t Make It

The last version of Phpactor (0.13) was released 6 months ago, since then there has been lots of action in the develop branch. Including some nice contributions regarding support for nullable types and typed properties.

Over late December and January also spent a good amount of time trying to improve the code generation in Phpactor - the basic idea was to fix the style of the generated code. We couldn’t use an established tool such as php-cs-fixer because a) it was too slow and b) it would affect the entire file. Instead I decided to write our own CS fixer which could be applied to the ranges modified by Phpactor.

It almost worked I swear, but after the time investment started to go negative, I couldn’t justify working on it any more - it had even been merged into develop, but it wasn’t working properly and I lost patience and reverted it. But – at least I learnt how to make a shitty CS fixer.

We also tried to implement a class implementation finder. Phpactor doesn’t use an index, so this was a brute-force approach. It worked - but only if you were willing to wait 10 minutes to find what you were looking for - I tried various strategies to cut this time, but in the end I removed it - or at least this implementation.

A couple of weeks ago I started phpactor/workspace query which actually adds an indexer to Phpactor and an implementation for finding implementations. This is working well.

Workspace Query

This isn’t in the release, but it’s worth talking about as it’s quite interesting.

The phpactor/workspace query package provides an indexer, this means that:

  • We can jump to class implementations.
  • We can work in projects without composer.

One of the good things about Phpactor is that it doesn’t need an index, but this will be optional and will supplement the existing functionality.

In order to effectively control the indexer from VIM requires some refactoring to the RPC framework and VIM plugin, it also needs to support inotify to watch for changes (rather than brute-forcing) and support multiple processes (to use > 1 CPU).

Jumping to implementation is one of the things I miss about IDEs such as PHPStorm. So this will be welcome in the next release.


We also implemented integrations with fzf and bat.

Unfortunately this caused some issues with the synchronous RPC mechanism, so was removed by default but are available as experimental features. Hopefully we can fix the issues and include them by default in the future.

Phpactor 14 - The Good Which Did

Some of the more important changes see the release notes for a full list.

VIM Plugin Improvements

  • Commands: You can now :PhpactorFindReferences or :PhpactorHover instead of f.e. :call phpactor#findReferences().
  • Help: :help phpactor - this isn’t new but it’s now automatically generated by vimdoc, it’s pretty!.
  • Swith to definitions in open windows: Adds the g:phpactorUseOpenWindows option, thanks to @przepompownia.
  • Stable Context Menu Shortcuts: The shortcut keys for context menu items were automatically determined, and as such could change from release-to-release. They are now pre-defined.

Nullable types and typed properties

Thanks to the work of @elythyr Phpactor now generates code with nullable types and typed properties:


class Foobar
   public function __consruct(string $foo, ?string $bar)

… apply complete constructor …


class Foobar
   private string $foo;
   private ?string $bar;

   public function __consruct(string $foo, ?string $bar)
       $this->foo = $foo;
       $this->bar = $bar;

In addition - Phpactor will auto-detect your PHP version from composer if it isn’t explicitly set with php.version (otherwise it will fall back to the runtime version) - you can also override code templates for specific PHP versions.

Import Missing Classes

This useful refactoring will scan the current file and find any non-resolvable class names, it will then try and import each of them. This is very useful when copy-and-pasting sections of code from one file to another.

Try :PhpactorImportMissingClasses

Context Menu from Whitespace

Previously the context menu only worked directly on non-whitespace (e.g. on a class definition). Now you can invoke the context menu on whitespace (e.g. whitespace in a method or class) and get the appropriate context.

Summing Up

Phpactor is still being an amazing tool and although it’s completion capabilities (which are by no means bad - they’re pretty good actually) can be challenged by some other language-server tools, it’s refactoring is still a unique-selling point.

Maybe this year will be the year of the Phpactor Language Server, or possibly the mono-repo, maybe even the year when Phpactor can generate code that looks nice more often. Maybe I can learn to manage my time better.

Thanks to all the people who have contributed to this release including @elythyr, @einenlum and @przepompownia and to all those who have created issues and shown support.