Self-testing code units

Last modified 2023/04/23 11:04

TL;DR; Phpactor documents itself

In Phpactor there are lots of units of code which add a category of functionality. One such examples is a Diagnostic Provider. Diagnostic providers provide diagnostics which provide feedback about your code:

diagnostic a diagnostic being shown in Neovim

The old process for testing a diagnostic provider involved many steps and was tediously time consuming, and there was no documentation for diagnostic providers at all.

Why not tediously invest time in a tedious solution which will make future work less tedious?

Self Testing

The idea is to allow units of code to provide examples against which they can be validated.

Disclaimer: I may have stolen been inspired for this idea from PHP-CS-Fixer, but I’m sure it has been invented countless times before.

In this case the DiagnosticProvider provides its own “test” examples and assertions, below is a simplified example of the MissingMethodProvider:

 * Report if trying to call a class method which does not exist.
class MissingMethodProvider implements DiagnosticProvider
    public function examples(): iterable
        yield new DiagnosticExample(
            title: 'inlined type',
            source: <<<'PHP'

                class Type {
                // ...
            valid: true,
            assertion: function (Diagnostics $diagnostics): void {
                Assert::assertCount(0, $diagnostics);
        yield new DiagnosticExample(
            title: 'does not report call on type inferred previously in expression',
            source: <<<'PHP'
                // ...
                function (Type $type) {
                    if ($type instanceof ReflectedClassType && $type->isInvokable()) {
            valid: true,
            assertion: function (Diagnostics $diagnostics): void {
                Assert::assertCount(0, $diagnostics);
    // ...

The runner for these examples is a single PHPUnit TestCase which pulls all the diagnostic providers from the container.

What this means is the new development / maintainence process looks like this:

  • Write the DiagnosticProvider.
  • Wire it up to the container.
  • Run the tests.

You may have noticed that I use the PHPUnit Assert class in the “production” code above. This should be fine even without the class existing as the code is only executed in a development environment.

Self Documentation

But the another benefit of the above is self documentation. We can use the provided examples to generate documentation:

generated documentation Generated documentation

This means:

  • The documentation is necessarily accurate.
  • The code examples work because they are tested.
  • We can use the documentation in the class docblock for the any prose documentation required.

Further Work

Currently I have only implemented this approach for diagnostics in Phpactor, but hope to extend it to other similar units to increase the quality and accuracy of the documentation while also reducing the maintenance overhead.

The code for generating the documentation is a bit clunky and could be improved and I’m unsure yet as to how much the concept can be generalized, but even if it takes an hour or two to write the generator, it’s time well invested as it cuts the time required to implement new code units in half.