Phpactor 2023.09.24

Last modified 2023/09/24 12:11

I have tagged Phpactor 2023.09.24.

It’s been over a month and a half since the last release. As per the last month I haven’t been very active but have managed to contribute various bug fixes and small improvements, while there have been some great contributions from bart-jaskulski and mamazu.

PHPCS Extension

Phpactor has been providing an integration with php-cs-fixer for over a year. It fulfils the LSP document formatting action, while also providing inline diagnostics for code-style issues.

PHPCS (PHP Code Sniffer) is the other popular PHP code style linter and fixer. Thanks to Bart Jaskulski phpcs users can now enjoy the same benefits as php-cs-fixer users!

Subscript/Array-Shape Completion

Phpactor now supports “real” array shape completion:

array shape completion


In addition to the two features above there are various improvements and bug fixes. Mamazu has also spent considerable time refactoring Phpactor to support LSP ranges but this will be released next time.

That’s it 󱠡