
Phpactor Theme Song

, tagged: song2022
This is a song about phpactor: Phpactor Theme Song Phpactor - It’s a Language Server Don’t use it on a project that it is to big It will crash I have spent the majority of my spare (project) time this month working on Phpactor, this weekend was my last opportunity to record a song, and I had not written any lyrics, so on Sunday I decided to just record some music and I had the Phpactor documentation page open in my browser. Read more...

Ballad of Senior Dev

, tagged: song2022
February song, it’s called “Ballad of Senior Dev” Ballad of Senior Dev It’s about being a good senior developer. This was recorded over the past couple of days during the criminal invasion of Ukraine. Today I attended a anti-war demonstration in Berlin where 100,000 people gathered in support of Ukraine. The Russian Embassy Russia invaded Ukraine two days later I invested a short amount of time over two evenings writing the lyrics, the following weekend I then recorded an initial version of the song (version 1), a very poor Nick-Cave style ballad, it was out of time and not very great. Read more...


, tagged: song2022
This song is a cover of “Fansong” by Dethklok: Fansong You people out there give us something more than just record sales You give us something to hate And we hate you, you brainless mutants I recorded it between 14:00 and midnight on Saturday, the idea was to try and learn stuff. As such it may not actually count towards my 2022 goal of recording a song every month (ideally on the topic of software engineering). Read more...

The Testing Song

, tagged: song2022
15 years ago I was having a conversation with a friend: “I don’t know what to write songs about” “Write about something you know” “I only know computer programming” “Then write songs about that” So that’s what I’m doing this year. This is a song about software testing: The Testing Song What people said about it: “I had no idea what’s going on, it’s shit” - My brother “Nine Inch Nails meets Layla” - Jason “I thought it captured the emotional trajectory of the development cycle beautifully” - Quentin Resolutions ΒΆ This year I made some new years resolutions, one of which was to record a song once a month. Read more...
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