Phpactor's (New) Type System

Last modified 2024/12/07 11:48

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Phpactor (it’s a Language Server) has a new type system, the most interesting features of which might be:

In the examples below the function wrAssertType is used. This is an assertion used in Phpactor’s tests.


When I started Phpactor 7 years ago I had absolutely no clue about type systems (that’s only slightly less true today). As a consequence types were represented as a single class:

$type = Type::string();
$type = Type::class('Foobar');
if ($type->classType()) {
    $className = $type->name();
$type = Type::collection('Foobar', 'string'); // pretend Foobar<string>
$type = Type::class('?Foobar');
if ($type->isNullable()) {
   // something

This worked well enough in PHP 5 and 7, but started to be very limiting when tools such as Phpstan and Psalm introduced generic types, unions, intersections, etc - and things got awkward when PHP 7.1 introduced the nullable type , PHP 8 introduced the unions and 8.1 the intersection (ok, I still haven’t added support for types, but it will happen soon 👀).

Over the past years I’ve made some attempts to tackle this, but they all started off by prematurely jumping to supporting generics (and having to solve a thousand problems first) or even by rewriting the type inference code from scratch.


This time I used what I believe is known as the Mikado Method: basically I would:

  • Start working towards the goal of the new type system
  • Run into a problem.
  • Create a new branch
  • Fix the problem and make the tests green
  • Merge the branch into master
  • Resume the journey

This avoided the situation of having a huge multi-thousand line PR with various changes and allowed me to progress steadily whilst locking in improvements along the way.

The resulting code has evolved from the original system - if there were ugly things there which did not need to be changed, they have remained. They may be have been ugly, but they worked.

Type Classes

The first thing was to represent each type by a class, something like:

$string = new StringType();
$class = new ClassType('Foobar');
$array = new ArrayType(
    keyType: new StringType(),
    valueType: new ClassType('Foobar'),

That’s the easy part, but how to convert 1000s of lines of code from the original Type to the new types? The Reflection API used the Type class extensively and huge amounts of code were coupled to it.

It wasn’t an easy task, but it also wasn’t as hard as I expected. Basically:

  • Replaced the Type class with an interface.
  • Created a TypeFactory::<type> which was a stand-in replacement for the Type::<type> static constructors.
  • Introduced TypeUtil::<method> as a helper class to replicate the old type methods.

Then it was a case of running the tests and fixing until they were all green. That took quite some time 😅


Implementing Generics has been one of the main motivations for this refactoring. At the time of writing Phpactor supports @implements and @extends only, but more support is forthcoming.

The following demonstrates some of Phpactor’s current capability:


namespace Foo;

 * @template T
 * @extends IteratorAggregate<T>
interface ReflectionCollection extends \IteratorAggregate, \Countable {}

 * @template T of ReflectionMember
 * @extends ReflectionCollection<T>
interface ReflectionMemberCollection extends ReflectionCollection
     * @return ReflectionMemberCollection<T>
    public function byName(string $name): ReflectionMemberCollection;

 * @extends ReflectionMemberCollection<ReflectionMethod>
interface ReflectionMethodCollection extends ReflectionMemberCollection {}

interface ReflectionClassLike
    public function methods(): ReflectionMethodCollection;

/** @var ReflectionClassLike $reflection */
foreach ($reflection->methods()->byName('foobar') as $method) {
    wrAssertType('Foo\ReflectionMethod', $method);

Type Combination

What’s type combination? According to me (I’m not sure if it’s the correct term) it is the addition, replacement or subtraction of types based on control flow.

This is one of Phpactor’s tests:

if ($foobar instanceof Foobar || $foobar instanceof Barfoo) {
    wrAssertType('Foobar|Barfoo', $foobar);

and this is another:

function foo(): Foo|Bar {}

$foobar = foo();

wrAssertType('Foo|Bar', $foobar);

if ($foobar instanceof Foo) {

wrAssertType('Bar', $foobar);

and another:

$bars = ['foo', 'bar'];
if (in_array($foo, $bars)) {
    wrAssertType('"foo"|"bar"', $foo);
wrAssertType('string', $foo);

The old system supported this to an extent:

  • If there was an instanceof in an if expression it insert a copy of the variable with the new type.
  • If the branch terminated it would remove the type after the if statement.
if ($foobar instanceof Foobar) {
    wrAssertType('Foobar', $foobar);
wrAssertType('<missing>', $foobar);

Phpactor now supports:

  • Subtracting types: removing Foo from the union Foo|Bar|Baz
  • Narrowing types: if a class-type extends another, then replace the type with the extending (narrower) type.
  • Combining types: Inference of union types
  • Types from literals: Values are represented as types.
  • Type negation: Transform an assertion to the opposite assertion.

It took me some time to figure out how to do this in a that worked.

Consider the following:

if ($foo instanceof Foobar) {
    $foo; // instanceof Foobar;
// $foo is possibly an instanceof Foobar

How would we imagine to do this?:

  • Find a binary operator node (operand·operator·operand) with the operator instanceof
  • Replace the type of the variable (operand 1) with the class name (operand 2) within the if branch

Phpactor “replaces” types within a given range by declaring a new variable in the Frame at the start and “restoring” it at the end.

What if the branch terminates?

if ($foo instanceof Foobar) {
    $foo; // instanceof Foobar;
// $foo is definitely not an instanceof Foobar

Then we need to negate it. How would we imagine that?

if (!$foo instanceof Foobar) {
    $foo; // not instanceof Foobar
  • Look for a unary operator (operator·operand). If the operator is ! and the operand is a binary expression whose operator is instanceof
  • Remove the type from the variable?

Or if we only have a variable:

if ($foo) {
  • If the if statement has a variable only
  • The remove any empty types from it

Or something like the following which would start to melt my brain:

if ($foo && is_string($foo) || ($bar instanceof Bar && 6 > 5)) {}

Getting this to work took a few iterations and a trunk-load of head-scratching probably due to bad initial preconceptions.

Finally I ended up with the concept of TypeAssertions.

In Phpactor we return a NodeContext when evaluating an AST node (e.g. the if statement’s expression), this class contains the node’s Type (and used to include the node’s value but now that concept is replaced by Literal types).

We can now attach type-assertions to the resolved NodeContext. The type assertion:

  • Indicates to which variable it’s assertion should apply.
  • Provides a Closure to transform the variable’s Type if the expression is true
  • … and a Closure if the expression is false.

What do we mean by if the expression if true? Given:

if ($foobar) {
   // expression evaluated true
} else {
   // expression evaluated to false

So for example the type assertion for the is_null function will look like this:

    true:  fn (Type $type) => TypeFactory::null(),
    false: fn (Type $type) => TypeCombinator::subtract($type, TypeFactory::null())

The type assertion can then be “polarised” to true or false by negating conditions (e.g. !, !!, true === , false === , etc).

Note that it would probably be better to not return a Closure but instead an object representing the transformation or a type itself (e.g. new SubtractType($type, new >> NullType())).

Type Literals

As previously mentioned Phpactor previously supported resolving values for nodes, but did this independently of the type system. Now we have type literals.

You can do math in Phpactor (this worked before too, but I think it’s cool even if I’ve never used it 😃):

$result = 5 + 5; // type of $result is now 10
$result = array_sum([5, 5, 5, 5]); // type of $result is now 20

This also means:

$tags = ['tag1', 'tag2'];

if (in_array($tag, $tags)) {
    $tag; // type is now a union `"tag1"|"tag2"`

We also support array shapes:

/** @var array{foo: int, bar: string} */

With completion:


Big thanks to phpstan and Psalm for driving static analysis forward and providing hints for the implementation.